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Q1. Are first-year undergraduate/master’s students eligible to apply for the student exchange program?

Yes, apply through the online application procedure

Concerning proof of transcript: first-year undergraduate students are required to provide a full academic transcript from high school, while first-year master’s students are required to provide a full academic transcript from their undergraduate program; Please ask the former education institution to provide the ranking for the final year.

Q2. Are fourth-year undergraduate/second-year master's students eligible to apply for the student exchange program?


As long as your student status is not in delayed graduation (fifth year in an undergraduate program or third year in a master’s program), nor were you admitted in working professional programs, you are eligible to apply. You must be a current student of NSYSU for the entire duration of the exchange.

Q3. Are students able to participate in exchange programs more than once?


Three selections for the exchange programs are held annually (September – for Japan, November – for other countries and areas, February – for China). Students can apply according to their plans and needs

Q4. When applying for the Japan exchange program, can I simultaneously apply for both the English and Japanese groups?


Please verify in advance that the partner university provides exchange programs for the English/Japanese group. Only one group can be selected for your application.

Q5. Are all the partner universities listed on the website available for exchange program applications?

The intake number for the exchange programs will vary each semester/academic year. Please apply according to the announcements made each year. In the cases of intake number changes, please refer to the announcements made on our website

Q6. I would like to study overseas. Does the OIA provide any other pathways to advanced studies overseas?


1.      Self-directed oversea studies: Please refer to the OIA website under short-term exchanges for further information and details.

2.      Winter programs/summer school: Our partner universities provide various short-term programs such as winter programs and summer school programs. Related information is announced on the OIA website for reference and application.

Q7. I would like to apply for working holidays. Does the OIA provide relevant information?


The OIA does not provide information regarding working holidays. Please consult with education and visa consultants and pay attention to personal data protection and your own safety


Q1. What are the selection standards?

Different exchange programs hold different standards. Please refer to the OIA website under >OutgoingNSYSU Selection Guidelines for Outbound Exchange Students for the announced regulations and forms to download.

Q2. If I were unsatisfied with the election results, could I ask for a different university?

Once the election results have been announced, agreement forms are required from the students. Students could then choose to keep their original choice or to wait for an available position as a reserve candidate for a different university according to their given ranking order. Students hold their given ranking order unless someone forfeits. Vacancies are filled by the next student in the ranking order. Once the agreement forms are handed in, students can no longer forfeit the exchange.

Q3. In cases of unforeseen events and I can no longer go ahead with the exchange after being selected, would I be able to forfeit?

Yes. However, this will be done at your own expense. Students will also be forfeiting their rights for participation in future OIA exchange programs.

Q4. Is the application procedure completed once the selected list is announced?


Students officially become exchange students at the university once an admission notification is received. Once the selected list is announced and provided to our partner universities, they would contact individual students for them to complete application forms. Our partner universities would then mail the admission notifications to the OIA office before the official application procedure can be completed.

Q5. Would I be able to apply for an exchange position in a different department to the one I am studying at?

On the whole, students should apply for exchange in the same department as the one they are studying at NSYSU, especially with China exchange programs. Unless otherwise agreed by the partner university, students should select the same department as the one they are studying at NSYSU.

Prior to their applications, students should search for department information on the partner university websites to avoid further complications in the exchange.

Q6. When should I be expecting my admission notification? I would like to book my flight and apply for my VISA as soon as possible.

Our partner universities have their own timelines. The OIA office could contact them to enquire about this information, however, we do not have the right to urge the issuing of the admission notification.



Q1. What would the cost be like for a semester of exchange?

The selected exchange students are to pay their original NSYSU fees for their studies. Master’s students and delayed graduating students are to pay the additional NSYSU fees for the credits they are taking (regardless of credit exemptions).

On top of study fees, the annual announcements would include living costs and boarding fees for each university. You are advised to read the information in detail. Also, keep in mind that living costs can differ for each individual. More detailed information can often be found online.

Q2. Which courses am I able to take? Also, would I be able to take courses from other departments?

The regulations differ for each university. You are advised to look up the information on the university websites and contact the academic personnel in charge of courses

Q3. Would the OIA hold a seminar to explain the procedures required for studying overseas?

The OIA holds a seminar every year in May to explain all the precautions regarding leaving and returning to the country, as well as administrative procedures within the university.

Q4. Would I be able to get exemptions for the credits I took at our partner university during the exchange?


Prior to leaving, complete a planned course selection form and verify the exemption with the responsible department office. Upon returning, hand in a credit exemption application form to complete the exemption procedure.

Q5. What kind of insurance do I need to buy for oversea studies?

Please comply with the insurance regulations of each partner university. You are advised to buy additional travel insurance according to individual needs.